Menu from the Pizzeria La Tegola with delivery service for Rietberg.

The menu is plentiful and offers a bit of everything. You will find many different Italian specialties on the menu. The Italian pizza is baked in the original stone oven.

tel. No. Delivery Service: +495244974454

Monday rest day.

Check out the opening times.


In addition to pizza, you will also find delicious spaghetti dishes or delicious lasagne.

The Italian specialties are always prepared with fresh ingredients.

Check out the home page.

Beverages and wines. 

The restaurant offers various types of wine as well as the house wine.


There are also soft drinks and alcoholic drinks such as beer.

For orders from home there is a 1 liter bottle of Cola, Fanta or Sprite.

Check out the directions.

Pizzeria pizza served at the table with spices.